Dos dobře vypadá css3-mediaqueries.js: make CSS3 Media Queries work in all browsers (JavaScript library) - Google Project Hosting:
"css3-mediaqueries.js by Wouter van der Graaf is a JavaScript library to make IE 5+, Firefox 1+ and Safari 2 transparently parse, test and apply CSS3 Media Queries. Firefox 3.5+, Opera 7+, Safari 3+ and Chrome already offer native support."Další možná knihovna je Respond.js - scottjehl/Respond · GitHub:
"The goal of this script is to provide a fast and lightweight (3kb minified / 1kb gzipped) script to enable responsive web designs in browsers that don't support CSS3 Media Queries - in particular, Internet Explorer 8 and under. It's written in such a way that it will probably patch support for other non-supporting browsers as well (more information on that soon)."
Ale přiznejme, že pokud to jde, bude vhodnější použít něco takového:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="style.css"/>
<!--[if lt IE 9]>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="style-ie.css"/>
Připomeňme ještě HTML5 Shiv - aFarkas/html5shiv · GitHub:
"The HTML5 Shiv enables use of HTML5 sectioning elements in legacy Internet Explorer and provides basic HTML5 styling for Internet Explorer 6-9, Safari 4.x (and iPhone 3.x), and Firefox 3.x."
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